English English....
Bereavement =
Better of -> avere la megio su [I finally got the better of him in the game]
Blunders = gaffe [I've made some freightful blunders in my time..]
To chuckle = ridacchiare (sotto i baffi)
To come around = riaversi
Demure = pieno di contegno [her movements were so demure that..]
Down as -> considerare [I had you down as a reasonable person!]
To drench (in) = inzupparsi or riempirsi di [he's drenched in money]
Dry -> [He made that dry remark and made me think]
Duly = appropriately [she duly corrected my grammar]
To entwine = avvolgere [the ivy entwines that pole]
To ferret (about, around) = frugare
Ghastly = tremendo (ispira terrore di morte)
Gleam = lampo [a gleam of intelligence; gleams of light through the cracks]
Glum = melanconico [a glum look; staring glumly through the bars]
To hanker after/for = essere assetato di...
To irk = infastidire [so that's what's been irking you all the time!]
Known as -> [Edith, known to one and all as Edie]
Lapels = risvolti (della giacca)
Lend -> [this may lend itself to misunderstanding]
Lest = a meno di [he had to believe she loved him lest he go mad]
Likely -> [more likely than not]
Limp = molle, ammollato [don't buy that limp lettuce!]
To loiter =
Maverick = cavallo selvaggio (di persona indomita)
Nape = nuca [she had such a sinuous, sexy nape]
Qualms = fitte [sudden qualms conscience/homesickness]
To saunter (in, out / up, down) = entrare,uscire/passeggiare con disinvoltura
Scudding = portato dal vento [scudding gray clouds]
To skirt = fiancheggiare [the creek that skirts our property]
Slide -> [this company is by now well on the slide]
To splay out = diramarsi [the rest of the house splays out from here]
Shrewd = sharp, insightful [she's a shrewd reader of human psyche]
To stoop = piegarsi (upper body) [he had to stoop in order to walk in the cave]
To thaw = ammorbidirsi [his frosty espression thawed a degree or two]
Threadbare = worn out, used too much [my threadbare couch]
Thronged with = affollato di [the opera was thronged with elders]
To thrust = slanciare(si) [she thrust herself through the crowd to reach him]
Token -> [A and by the same token (similarly) B are possible solutions]
Tone-deaf -> [he seems tone-deaf to British humour, he must be French]
To turn a hair -> [She didn't turn a hair upon knowing the facts]
View -> [there are people that indeed take that view]
Better of -> avere la megio su [I finally got the better of him in the game]
Blunders = gaffe [I've made some freightful blunders in my time..]
To chuckle = ridacchiare (sotto i baffi)
To come around = riaversi
Demure = pieno di contegno [her movements were so demure that..]
Down as -> considerare [I had you down as a reasonable person!]
To drench (in) = inzupparsi or riempirsi di [he's drenched in money]
Dry -> [He made that dry remark and made me think]
Duly = appropriately [she duly corrected my grammar]
To entwine = avvolgere [the ivy entwines that pole]
To ferret (about, around) = frugare
Ghastly = tremendo (ispira terrore di morte)
Gleam = lampo [a gleam of intelligence; gleams of light through the cracks]
Glum = melanconico [a glum look; staring glumly through the bars]
To hanker after/for = essere assetato di...
To irk = infastidire [so that's what's been irking you all the time!]
Known as -> [Edith, known to one and all as Edie]
Lapels = risvolti (della giacca)
Lend -> [this may lend itself to misunderstanding]
Lest = a meno di [he had to believe she loved him lest he go mad]
Likely -> [more likely than not]
Limp = molle, ammollato [don't buy that limp lettuce!]
To loiter =
Maverick = cavallo selvaggio (di persona indomita)
Nape = nuca [she had such a sinuous, sexy nape]
Qualms = fitte [sudden qualms conscience/homesickness]
To saunter (in, out / up, down) = entrare,uscire/passeggiare con disinvoltura
Scudding = portato dal vento [scudding gray clouds]
To skirt = fiancheggiare [the creek that skirts our property]
Slide -> [this company is by now well on the slide]
To splay out = diramarsi [the rest of the house splays out from here]
Shrewd = sharp, insightful [she's a shrewd reader of human psyche]
To stoop = piegarsi (upper body) [he had to stoop in order to walk in the cave]
To thaw = ammorbidirsi [his frosty espression thawed a degree or two]
Threadbare = worn out, used too much [my threadbare couch]
Thronged with = affollato di [the opera was thronged with elders]
To thrust = slanciare(si) [she thrust herself through the crowd to reach him]
Token -> [A and by the same token (similarly) B are possible solutions]
Tone-deaf -> [he seems tone-deaf to British humour, he must be French]
To turn a hair -> [She didn't turn a hair upon knowing the facts]
View -> [there are people that indeed take that view]
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